Top 3 Quick Weight Loss Secrets

two women sharing quick weight loss secrets

The top 3 quick weight loss secrets are finally being revealed right here! There are so many schemes and gimmicks out there to lure you into shelling out you hard earned cash for "secrets" about how quick weight loss?

Most times what you get is not all it was hyped up to be. Not to worry...the quick weight loss secrets revealed here are ones that have proven to promote weight loss - no hype, no gimmicks.

So, what are the top 3 quick weight loss secrets? I'm glad you asked.

Secret # 1
Carbs are NOT "The Enemy"

Contrary to what you've heard, carbs and NOT an enemy to weight loss. In fact carbs will actually boost your quick weight loss.

The key is to choose the right carbs - the ones that actually fuel your body to burn more fat.

Avoid sugary and refined carbs like baked goods, carbonated soft drinks, and other processed foods that cause you to gain weight.

Instead, choose high fiber carbs like beans, peas, and whole grain pasta.

whole wheat pasta promotes weight loss

They digest slower and the fiber in them keeps you feeling full longer. Therefore, you are satisfied longer and you eat less.

Ultimately, the decreased calorie intake leads to weight loss. So don't limit your weight loss efforts to low carb diets. If you do, you will be missing out on a wide variety of palate-pleasing, low calorie and satisfying selections of healthy foods.

Secret # 2
You Can "Pig Out" and Still Lose Weight!

That's right! One of the most important of the top 3 quick weight loss secrets is that you can eat until you're full and still manage to drop those excess pounds.

How? By eating the right foods and avoiding those metaphorical weight-loss saboteurs (oils and processed foods as much as possible).

Eat generous amounts of plant-based foods including broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, corn, whole grains (brown rice, pasta, oats), potatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach, cucumber, melons, oranges grapefruit, grapes, dried beans and peas,etc. veggie soup for quick weight loss Just be careful not to prepare them in such a way that you're adding calories. Leave off the butter, margarine, oils, sauces. Natural is better and when you get used to eating them without the added stuff you'll enjoy the taste better.

The better part of your diet should come from those metabalism boosting carbs, but you can add some lean protein like fish, poultry and low fat dairy products if you like. Personally, I choose the plant-based proteins (beans, peas and a little textured vegetable protein).

Keep in mind that most vegetables have good amounts of protein, so you don't really need the animal protein.

Secret # 3
You Can Lose Weight While You Snooze

Yes, you can drop those excess lbs while you sleep! How? Here's the secret: It is what you do when you're awake that lets you lose weight while you sleep.

woman sleeping for weight loss

Aerobic activity such as brisk walking, jogging, and even dancing not only give you a good calorie burn, but also speed up your metabolism. And that's not all.

Studies have shown that lifting weights and other resistance exercises (push-ups, resistance bands, etc) will raise your resting metabolism! So you're still burning calories when you sleep. That means you're losing weight while you sleep!

Now that you have your top 3 quick weight loss secrets you can go ahead and...

  • Feast on those metabolism boosting, high fiber carbs - including potatoes and whole grains - and without compromising your weight loss efforts.
  • Eat, eat, eat and still lose weight! Eat until you're satisfied as long as you are eating an abundance of the "good carbs" made up mostly of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  • Have a BLAST with some free-style dancing or a fun exercise DVD, then crash out and snooze your way to some effortless weight loss. These quick weight loss secrets are too valuable to keep to yourself, so kindly share them!

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