Top 7 Quick Weight Loss Tips

woman with oversize jeans weight loss

Could you use a few quick weight loss tips to help you jump-start your weight loss? Almost anyone can drop an impressive amount of weight quickly, including you. You just need to know what works and how to make those things work for you.

I've done a lot of experimenting with various weight loss methods looking for the best ways to lose weight, and how to lose weight quickly.

I believe I have captured the inside scoop on the best ways to lose weight quickly and safely. So I'm sharing my top 7 quick weight loss tips to help you achieve a quick weight loss too.

Tip # 1
Eat When You’re Hungry

Did you know that starving yourself is counterproductive to weight loss? When you deprive yourself by skipping meals you’ll likely make up for the missed meals by gorging yourself on unhealthy snacks or over-eating at your next meal.

One of the best quick weight loss tips is that you should eat. I know, it sounds like an oxymoron, but it's really true. You can eat 2 or 3 meals a day, and a snack or two daily and still lose weight. Just make good, healthy food choices that promote weight loss, then eat until you’re satisfied.

Tip # 2
Keep It Simple

Your food choices should include a variety of foods that suit your taste buds and also promote a quick weight loss. Your weight loss diet does not have to be exotic or complicated. Find some easy low fat recipes to use in your meal plan. Then design a 3 day plan for your meals and use it over and over.

Tip # 3
Avoid Processed Foods

When you’re trying to jump-start your quick weight loss you should choose fresh over processed foods as a rule. The reason is because processed foods - especially canned products are loaded with sodium (salt).

Salt makes you retain fluid, which in turn increases your weight. So if you want to lose weight, choose fresh or frozen. You will find a wide variety of conveniently packaged veggies - even ones in steamable bags - in the freezer section of your favorite supermarket.

Tip # 4
Have a Salad with Most Meals.

Another one of the best tried and true quick weight loss tips is to have a large green salad before or with most meals.

quick weight loss tips salads for weight loss

Salads are low in calories and full of fiber. So filling up on them before you eat your main course can help in your weight loss plan. You’ll be satisfied quicker, which prevents you from overeating.

Just watch out for the hidden calories you add with salad dressings and other items you find on cafeteria salad bars. Ask for your dressing on the side when you eat at a restaurant and use the fat-free versions when available. You can also make your own low cal, low fat dressings.

Tip # 5
Stay Hydrated

One of the best ways to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. Water is a natural diuretic, so the more you drink the more you will eliminate. drinking water for quick weight loss There are some things you can do that will sabotage your quick weight loss efforts. Drinking carbonated beverages is one of them. So stay away from the carbonated drinks because they’re full of sodium, which make you retain fluid and gain weight. Drink spring or purified water. Add a twist of lemon for a clean refreshing taste.

Tip # 6
Get Enough Sleep

You might be surprised to know that lack of sleep can halt your weight loss. Studies have shown that lack of sleep slows the metabolism. So instead of the quick weight loss you want you could wind up actually gaining weight.

Push for 7 to 7 1/2 hours sleep on most nights in order to achieve your weight loss target.

Tip # 7
Move It!

One of the best ways to lose weight is to incorporate little extra aerobic daily activity into your day. It can be as simple an activity as walking 30 minutes on most days, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Combining your aerobic activity with a sensible diet will help rev up your metabolism and accelerate your weight loss.

You don’t have to join a gym to get good results. There are other free ways to get your exercise, and have fun doing it. You can walk, dance, whatever you enjoy. So just get movin’ toward your quick weight loss!

If you will follow these top 7 quick weight loss tips you can be well on your way to dropping those extra pounds. Purposely incorporate these weight loss tips into your daily routine and you can achieve your ultimate weight loss goals.

You have learned...

  • some of the best ways to lose weight;
  • how to jump-start that weight loss;
  • and

  • how to avoid weight loss saboteurs.

Your quick weight loss success is now within your reach. Go for it!

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